Package Details Availabe

Provisioning > SIMS > View All Packages on SIM > Select from SIM Packages


  1. The customer will be able to see the various packages that have been allocated to the SIM. They can either search the packages via the Package ID (this is not the same as the Package Template ID), Package Name (Package Template Name). 
  2. For each Package Template that had been assigned to the SIM, there is a unique Package ID that would be stated. This package ID is clickable and will give the customer further details like:
    1. General: Specific information about the Package Template
    2. Supported Countries: The countries supported by package which can also be searched through the mini search bar
    3. Traffic Policy: If there was Traffic Policy assigned to the package, the ID and description would show up here
    4. Allowances: How much of the allowance (Voice/SMS/Data) has already been used up by the SIM
    5. Activation: Gives various details with regards to the Activation of the Package
      1. Activation Type: Whether this package can be activated Upon Location Updates, through the API, or through a PDP session
      2. Expected Termination Date: By what date the package will expire regardless of whether the customer has used the full data usage allowance or not. This is determined by when the Package was activated and the duration allocated. (will state N/A if the package is not yet activated and is in the Inactive state)
      3. Date Created: Date when the package was created
      4. Date Activated: Date when the package was activated (will state N/A if the package is not yet activated and is in the Inactive state)
      5. Date Terminated: The package termination date can show up here due to the following reasons (will state N/A if the package is still in the active status):
        1. The package was forcefully terminated through the backend API
        2. The SIM has consumed all of the data that was allowed to be used on the package
        3. The duration of the package has expired
      6. Earliest Available Date: As set when creating the Package Template
      7. Latest Available Date: As set when creating the Package Template
      8. Earliest Activation Date: As set when creating the Package Template
      9. Latest Activation Date: As set when creating the Package Template (this is the Activation Expiry)

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