SIM Details > Overview

All the SIM Cards that belong to the customer will show up here regardless the Inventory or the Billing Group it is a part of. The customer has the ability to search for the SIMs under the Search bar based on the following:

  • ICCID itself
  • Company ID/Distributor ID
  • Company Name/Distributor Name
  • Inventory ID
  • Inventory Name
  • Group ID/Billing Group ID

The customer will also be able to sort this table based on any of the column headers for easy viewing.

If the customer desires to get more information about a particular SIM, they can search for the ICCID based on the above information and by clicking on the ICCID link. Once clicked, the customer will be redirected to a page where the customer will view two tabs:

SIM Details: This gives out following information with regards to the particular SIM:

  1. General: 
    1. ICCID number
    2. Date Created: Date on which the ICCID was made a part of the customer’s account. The time format is in UTC
    3. Company
    4. Inventory
    5. Whitelist: The Whitelist that the SIM Card is a part of. This is also a clickable link which will be redirected to the Whitelist and the set configuration.
    6. SIM Type
    7. SIM Status: Pre-Service (Initial status of the SIM when is delivered, indicates no past network activity), In-Service (SIMs with any network activity detected in the network layer), Terminated (SIMs that have been terminated can no longer register to a network, this status is permanent) and Waiting-for-assignment (SIMs that are provisioned with a blocked whitelist for sim transfer purposes).
  2. Rating and Charging: 
    1. Billing Group
    2. Balance Drains From: SIM Balance (the SIM uses its own balance), Billing Group
    3. SIM Balance: $ - This SIM Balance would drain based on the per MB rates that have been assigned to the Billing Group the SIM is a part of.
    4. SIM Overdraft: $ - The customer can also choose to have an Overdraft assigned to the SIM which would also drain as per the per MB rates that have been assigned to the Billing Group the SIM is a part of
    5. Active Package(s) Summary: Shows if there are any packages active on the SIM.
  3. Service Status: 
    1. This shows the state of the SIM Card for using Data/Voice and SMS services
    2. The status can be changed either through the backend API or through the Edit button on the right-hand corner of this page
  4. IMSI: There can be two types of SIM:
    1. Mapped IMSI: An internal IMSI that is assigned to each ICCID that is used internally by Telna to do troubleshooting on the network.
    2. IMSI List
      1. Single IMSI SIM: Only one IMSI (other than the Mapped IMSI) is stated
      2. Multi-IMSI SIM: More than one IMSI is stated on the profile
  5. APNs: 
    1. Displays which APNs are assigned to the SIM
  6. Policies: 
    1. Throttle Speed 
    2. Route Configuration ID

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